Shorty chauhattars

Forever Twenty

SS 74 and WSES 20 Courses - Officers Training Academy, Chennai

We, The Short Service Non-Technical Course Serial 74 and Women's Special Entry Scheme Course 20 were trained at The Officers Training Academy, Chennai. Both Courses passed out together on 07 Sep 2002. The Officers from SS74.20, as we proudly call ourselves, have attained 'glory' within the Army and many are shining bright in the Corporate World as well.

कमबख़्त ये दोस्ती 

आपस में खटपट करते हैं

बातें ये फटफट करते हैं

ज़िन्दगी की सरपट दौड़ में भी

कुछ चीज़ें झटपट करते हैं।।

गेस्ट रूम की गुहार हो

या गाड़ी की दरकार हो

किसी से कोई नंबर चाहे

या सिर्फ दारू की पुकार हो;

काम कैसा भी हो सीधा उल्टा

ये देते हैं सब सुलटा।।

विचारधाराएँ हों अलग-अलग

सोच में हों दीवारें बनी

पर मुश्किलों में यही काम आते हैं

चाहे जिससे जितनी हो ठनी।।

दोस्ती की मिसाल हैं ये

ज़रूरत पड़े तो एक दूजे की ढाल हैं ये

चौहत्तर की यही बात करती है घायल

चौहत्तर की इसी बात के हैं हम कायल

ये नहीं झुकते कभी, चाहे किसी का भी हो डंडा (pun intended 😄)

सदा लहराता रहे चौहत्तर का ये झंडा ।।

कैप्टन रीतेश झा

जून 2021 

On turning Eighteen

The journey began in 2001
As we toiled together under the sun

The brotherhood ... the camaraderie
And a bond .... so true
As we graduated in 2002.

And thereby began
Our different lives
The varied experiences
Of guns and knives.

We touched the mountains
We soaked in the snow
And kissed the jungles
Where rivers flowed.

We continued with dedication
Even to the peril of our lives
And never spared a thought
If we died or survived.

Our brothers kept the tricolor high
How much we miss them around
BL, Prateek, Bhanu, Sahay, GP and Ravi
How we wish we'd see them on ground.

Along the way, few parted ways
As the path of life took turns
While some of us continued ahead
Our brothers in uniform.

And all along the way
As solid as a rock
Our better halves stood by our sides
And never let us drop.

Our brothers are so skillful
The passion needs to be seen
While some click tigers in the bushes
Some are tigers in green.

As we sit around fire reminiscing the past
The clanking of glasses, it's never the last.
The camaraderie and brotherhood can still be seen
As we celebrate today, we just turned eighteen.

Capt Ritesh Jha
07 Sep 2020

Some are Chain smokers,

Some are Hard drinkers 

Beautiful GIRLS, Difficult NIGHTS.....

Awesome VALLEYS, Challenging SIGHTS....

we LIVE hard, PARTY even harder.....

missing HOME, and FRIENDS.......

with a GUN in our HAND, we FEEL like a MAN....

treating our profession, as our WIFE .....

some call It ARMY,  We CALL it LIFE...!!

Slain, thou wilt obtain heaven;

victorious, thou wilt enjoy the earth

2.37 Shrimad Bhagwat Gita

we remember

Our Brothers who laid down their lives in the line of active duty